
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Couples Therapy April 11

Riken and his ex tries to talk to eachother. Rodney feels alone in this couples therapy and is questioning why he's even here. Angela and her boyfriend Chris are dealing with a lot of sexual frustration. This suspose to be mid point of couples therapy program. Is there any progress? What do you think? I think Hogan is making progress. It was also pleasent to see the lighter side of DMX as he attempted to be fumny making peanut butter sandwhichs. Dr Jenn explains how technology screws up relationships up. Angela gets called out, verbally abuses her boyfriend, and attempts to work out but shuts down on the way. Ricken and Rodney say they would allow eachother to see thier phone. Casy and Venana are having major issues that Dr Jenn brings by bringing up woud they allow eachother to see the phone calls, emails, and texts. They point fingers at each other Casey calls her family in bread for slapping her hip, now she attemps to give up, and acts like a victim. Therapy stirred up issueses between Rocken and Rodney from the left over resentment from the show A list Celebristies; Rodney accusing Riken he was cheating on national tv. Dr Jenn says the first stages of couples therapy is worst part; it gets worst before it gets better. Casey & Dr Jenn goes to aa meeting. Couples get to see themselves of video. Defense languages, you did this, does not help language. Hogan and ex, ricken and rodney, angelina and chris, dmx and his husband. Dmx hating to see that, it was hard to watch Angelina herself, saying something you wish you can take back that you can never take back. Ricken finally confesses, to the couples group, the biggest issue Rodney and him have neen struggling through, infront of Rodney. He admits that right after Rodney accused Ricken, to the producers on national tv, and left, Ricken slept with that guy. But it does sound a little to convenent. This extremely hurts Rodney and learns to ask Ricken for trust as Ricken ask for trust and apology. They make up with love, trust, and apology. Looking at you partner and telling him how you feel is the braking point of falling in love and falling apart. The begining of the end, now its time for Ricken and Rodney to start mending their relationship. To not be defense wgen communicating with your partner is to feel closer to them as you actually tell them how you feel and ask them what you want from them; Can you do that for me? Casey and Veanna are having hard times. Veanna wants to work it out and talks to Casey through a camera filming herself. Casey cried as he watched the video. They love eachother.

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